Mihoko Heartfilia

When two worlds collide......
Daughter of an unlikely pairing, Lucy Heartfilia and Ankh, a Greeed who'd become just a little more human after fusing with a host, it's fair to say that this particular redhead isn't entirely normal. If there was such a thing.Chirpy, optimistic and adventurous, with a side of stroppiness, Mihoko exhibited signs of natural mage craft from a very early age, often irritating her father as a small child. Accidentally setting fire to their home (three times) as a toddler, the need to teach Mihoko control of such a dangerous element seemed much more crucial than initially thought. Recieving coaching from not only Ankh, Lucy introduced her daughter to fellow team mate, Natsu, for further tuition.In hindsight, this may have contributed to the redheads occasional reckless approach when dealing with quests.During Mihoko's time training in the guild, with hints of celestial magic showing, internally fears began to grow that she'd forever just be Lucy's daughter, following in her mother's impressive shadow. However, the appearance of her abilities to control time made itself known one particular day. Aged six, following a small break from homework, the redhead had wanted five more minutes before having to go back inside. Hues staring intently at the clock with desperation, the hands shifted backwards for the desired time.Excited to seemingly have her own skill set unlike her mother's, Mihoko steadily grew into the chirpy, optimistic teenager the guild has grown to love.Not just sharing her father's use of flame, Mihoko also shares Ankh's love of frozen treats and all things sweet. When denied such items, the familiar lip twitch and scowl rears its ugly head. At the age of 16, a different type of training began. Deemed ready to be able to handle the responsibility, Mihoko inherited the OOOs driver from Ankh, an item he'd kept safe since the day Eiji died. Harsh training occasionally causing conflict between father and daughter, currently she is more than competent at using it. In tandem with this, Mihoko received training in the art of swordplay from Erza and Kagura, an opportunity she is forever grateful for.Just like her mother, Mihoko has been featured in Sorcerer's Weekly. She is a full time member of Fairy Tail. Currently she is A Rank.
What can she do?
Kamen Rider OOO
Able to transform using the driver, Mihoko is capable of utilising multiple combinations of medals.Rider kick.Time MagicTime Stop: Ability to freeze time around her for 60 seconds, while able to move freely herself. However, if only one individual/item is targeted, the effect can last 2 minutes.Fast Forward: Ability to speed up time.Rewind: Can roll back events up to 24hours.Time travel: Able to travel into the past and future. However she does not like to do this too often.Time Manipulation/Distortion: The ability to change the order of events, or erase them entirely. However, once erased, it cannot be fixed.Timeless Void Creation.Invulnerability to time manipulation.Time Vortex Creation.Time Blast.Fire Abilities Fireball creation.Invulnerability to fire.Celestial Magic:Caelum: A key able to summon an object like spirit, Caelum assists Mihoko with defence.Celestial energy Absorbtion: Able to draw strength from the celestial realm itself, this can be utilised to boost strength, speed or be thrown at a target in a violent blast.Other Abilities Swordplay: Trained by Erza and Kagura, Mihoko is more than competent with a blade.Flight: Like her father, feathered wings sprout from her back when required.Enhanced durability.Enhanced strength.Regeneration:* A gift from her father's DNA, healing is rapidly increased.